Alpha Disciple Followers Of Keola Nalani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thus Saith, Da Lord 'Jehovah" "Abba" "Alpha N Omega-God" & "Jesus Chrsit" Every Knee Will Bow Before Him, His Blood "Pardoned" , Forgave All Our Sins!

28 Oct 2019 Monday
2:04 am


To You Father: "Abba' "Jehovah" "Yahweh", "Alpha N Omega-God" & Jesus Christ"

I, Keola Nalani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln, Bows Before Thy, In Da Presence Of  Your Holiness, And Most High Throne, For I Know You Said, Every Knee Will Bow Before Da "Lion And Da Lamb", So Father Let It Come To Pass! I Confess Dat You Are Lord Of Mi Life, And King Of  Mi Heart, Soul, Body, Mind, Spirit, And  Being. There Is Only Way To You And Dat Thru Your Precious Son "Jesus Christ, This I Known Since I Was Since I Was Age 5 {1988-saved} In Norfolk Virginia Beach-Diamond Springs Baptists Church. Even Tho, I May Have Been Only 5 I Knew Jesus As Mi Personal Savior, And Wanted Him In Mi "Life" Eternally-"Faith":, That's Y I Was Saved Physically From Death Grips In {2005, 2012, & 2015,} I Know Personally I Have Been Blessed And Saved From Eternal Damnation From Mi Sinful Life{2003-2019}, Only Da One Above Da "Father" Roared On Behalf And Fought All Those Battles I  Got Myself Into In Hell{Oklahoma-Missouri} So Father, I Know There Many Out There That Purposely Set Set Traps To See Me Stumble  And Me Caught Up, But Guess What, "Nobody' Yes Nobody- VERBATIM, HUMAMANS   Nobody; Cant Stop My "Father-God-Alpha N Omega" All Your Tricks, And Deceptions Fell All Da Way To Hell. In Da Name Of Jesus Christ Mi Savior Over Your #Oklahoma, Over Your #Missouri, It Stopped, Mi Father Is Greater Than Your Societies, And States And Laws, And Healthcare Systems, And Mental Healthcare Systems{Public & Private-Sector} And Substance Abuse Systems And  Mental DisAbilites Systems And Human Authority, And Last But Not Least Your Right To Work State Out Dated Judicial System. Mi Father Said, Bow Down And Go To Hell, Your States Are Not Right And Your Deserve To Change For Eternity, Your Judgment Day Awaits,
Father, Of  #Nalani, Change [The Midwest -Bible Belt States Of America United States of America 2020} In Da Name of Jesus Christ Mi Savior Over Mi Deaths In Your Hell In Ok 2005-2012-{I Arose}, Over Mi Death 2015{I Arose} in North Kansas City Missouri: 3x  I Bow Down Father, For You Arose Me, To Let Me Know How Much You Love Me, And Be A Disciple Of You In 2019, And Tell Theze Humans To Change And Quit Judging Gay Christian Jocks Top Dominant. So This I Du. I Back Down Not For No Human. Dats Y You Made Me A Tauras, A Bull! So Charge I Go, Run Humans Dat Judge,"Repent", For You Time Is Nearing And Limited: You Are  Not Da Maker of "Life' So Stop It, And Mi Father"Yahweh" Comes With Fire, And It Consumes And Da Word "Truth" Which Will Consumes All As Well. I{Keola} Stand On Behalf Of All Mi Gay Top Dominant Christian Brothers{Fraternity} Jocks{Alpha N Omega}, The True Ones That Honor Their "Father" "God' 1st, & Their Boyfriend{husbands-studs] brothers[omega} 2nd{Family Forever}. Dat's Is Finale, What I Say Is Da Truth, And What I Say I Mean{Assertive}. Finale! Turn Da Pages Father! Rapture This Country! It Needs To Change!{$5.00=<.01=Lincoln=kp speaking}
                                                Alpha: Keola Nalani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln
                                           {History Changed-In Da Na Name Of Jesus Christ}

Father, Let Thy Will Be Done, I Bow Down- Break All Da Chains Of This World In Da Name Of Jesus Christ Mi Savior Over Mi Deaths 2005, 2012, 2015!,  Roar, Father, Make Every Knee Bow Down On This Green Planet Before You! For I Make Way For You, As I Do Every Day, As I Praise Your Name, And Lift You Up! I Claim Your Strength, In All Battles, Father! For You Are Da KING OF KING, LORD OF LORD, Da ALPHA OF ALPHAS, Da OMEGA OF OMEGAS I Lift You Up Sir, Epsilon! Keep Reining Father!   

Saturday, October 19, 2019

I Bow Down Father "Jehovah" "Abba" "Alpha N Omega-God" "Jesus Christ" Y Because You Reign Forever For Making Me Rise From Mi Ashes {2005-2015} Humbled Am I, I Lift Mi Hands High And Give You All Da Praise And Honor!

19 October 2019 Saturday
2:26 am


To You Father,

"Jehovah" "Abba" "Alpha N Omega-God" "Yahweh" "Jesus Christ"

I Give You All Da Glory And Praise And Honor, For I Know How Much You Love Me, When You Came Down From Heaven To Save Me All Those Times{2005,2012.2015}, When I Needed You, And I Needed Mi Savior, Father All I Can Say To Your Name Be All Da Glory And, I Feel Like Dat Not Enough, But Father You Know How I Feel Inside My Heart, Soul, Body, Mind, And  Being. No Man Or Human Can Come Comparison, You Made Me Walk Thru All Fires As Young Boy In 1992{ At 11 age} To Grown Man 2019 { Age 36}, Its Bi No Mistake Or Flaw, That All Storms In #Life {Keola} Was Designed To Happen, They Were All Suppose To Happen To Bring {Glory} To Your Bless Holy Name, Now I Understand, Father. So Yes Father, I Will Keep Giving Honor And Glory To Your Name, And Professing Dat You {God} I Will Love You Forever, And I Keep Rising With You Mi Soul Will Find And Seek Refuge In You And Jesus Christ, For I Know Who Guides My Path Of Righteousness, No Matter How Many Mistakes For I  Am Covered And Ransomed, Bi Da Blood Of Jesus Christ, Thank You, Jesus Christ, So Forever You Reign And Forever I Will Love You, I Will Put None Before Thee, I Know Better, Now As Man 2019{36}. I Had To Get Knocked Down, So You Father, 'Could Pick Me Up And Tell Me "How Much You Love Your "Son" " I Bow Down, For Your Mi King, My Lord And Forever Your Reign. I Trust & Obey You Father, Each And Every Day! I Look To Your Cross For My Redemption, And Saved I Am Since 1988, Thank You, Jesus Christ! Forever I #Nalani Sings, "Let Your Glory Come Alive, Forever You "Father" Reign". Keep Leading Me And Protecting Me With Da Blood Of Jesus Christ, For Forever I ll Sing, " Let Your Glory Come Alive" . Ill Walk Through Any FIRE For You Jesus Christ, Y I Know You Will Protecet Me, You Made Me  Alpha Strong, You Made Me A Disciple Man Of You, You Made Me A Tauras, You Made Made Me {Alpha Male Christian Gay Jock} All In Your Image, So Blessed Be Alpha Keola Nalani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln 421 Life{Keola} & Eternity. Father{God}


Bless You Keola, You Made It Keep Rising Above {All} Your Ashes~ I Will Love Forever, I Designed You Win, Not To Loose, Keep Rising With Jesus Christ, & Your Stud {Dr. Daniel John Ford Padilla}-&Your Gay Christian Fraternity Brotherhood Jocks 2002/ 2005 This Is Your Heaven On Earth, Destined , No Man Can Change What "Yahweh" "Jehovah" "Abba" "Alpha N Omega-God" Blesses
There Is Reason God Is Bringing You To Tears Right Now, Keola! Da Spirit Is Bringing You Thru All Da Pain You Have Been Thru Since 1983-2019, And He Dos not Want You To Forget It Ither, Your Story Is Going To Bring Glory To Da Name Of "God" And You Just Don't Know It Yet Keola, You Don't See Da Big Picture Yet, You Keep Typing And Let Da Spirt Lead You! Your Failure Is Lost, Keola, Keep  Crying , "Abba" Not Finished With Keola, Your Shortcoming Is Lost In Da Fire,  Keep Rising Keola, For Bi Your Faith You Were Ransomed, And Bi Your Faith In Jesus Christ Your Were Saved in 1988, As A Little Child Keola, I Love You Son And Am Proud Of You, Keep Trusting And Obeying Me, Your Father {Alpha N Omega-God} Blessed Are You "Keola" I Will Bless You Forever. I Am Your Judge, Da Beginning And End of Life {Alpha} Remember That Forever Keola, And Forget What This World May Say About You, For Thus Time Is Coming And NEARING All WILL STAND ANSWER, KEOLA, Remember, Mi Word The Truth, Keola. For I Come To Set "Fire" And "Destroy" {All} " Un-Repented SINNERS", So You Keola, In A  Free "OCD-PERFECTIONSITS" Society Like I Made You, With Your ADHD, AND YOUR {AGORAPHOBIA} MEANING YOU BELONG TO ME, YOU FATHER, "YAHWEH" And None Other, I Come 1st Keola, Don't You Ever Put Anyone None Before Me Again, Sir " Im listening And I Apoplogize, That Will Never Happen Again, Im Man And No Better Now 2019. I Know Mi Soul Mate{DAN} Will Never Put His Hands On Me In Threating Way, No Misuse  Me, Abuse Me, Because He Is A  Gay Christian Man Made For Nalani{Jock}: Plus He Loves Keola and Keola Loves Daneil. km+dp=kp&dp421Lifeternity
Tauras{Alpha} Brother United w/ Taruas(Omega} Brother Fratenal Twins
King Me Father, I Bow Down! I Love You Forever! And Thank You For Answering My Prayers Back in 2015, You Heard Me, And You Was Working In Mi Favor Way Before I Prayed, So Forever I Say" God You Reigning' Keep Rising Father, Let Your Glory Come To Alive And Manifest Thru Keola Nalani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln!. I Accept It In Da Name Of Jesus Christ, Da Savior Of My Life! Amen KP!

Bless All Mi Gay Top Dominate Jocks Fraternity Brothers From DA Chapters Of ALPHA{x} N OMEGA{y}  OF DR. DANIEL JOHN FORD PADILLA; For I Love Each And Every One Them, For They Are Da Reason Y I Am Here, I Am Here To Represent Them As Their {Alpha} This Is Mi Calling And Was Ordained Bi Mi Father And Anointed Bi "Alpha N Omega-God", No Weapon Formed Against Me {Humans in Da Midwest & United States of America}You Will Not Prosper, Please Fall Dall Down And Worship MI Father And Exit, This Domain For Judging All True Gay Top Dominate Christian Jocks Nation Wide Past And Present, For Your Judgement Day Awaits, Thus Saith, Keola. 

 I Love You Ervin: Your Mi True Blood Brother Only, May Mi Father " Yahweh Bless You Forever '

Exit This Domain: Sign Change 20/20/Tyger

-I Don't Stand For "You Straight Jocks", Y You Are All <LIARS/DECIEVERS>, You May Go To  Your Crosses, And Exit As Well. (P.S)- Quit Staring At Me, Because I Don't See You, I Already Have Stud,{Love You, Dr Daniel John Ford Padilla, You Know Mi Stud Forever: King Me} Burn Up Haterz! Burn Up, In Da Name Of Jesus Christ Over Mi Deaths {2005,2012,-2015}, Fall Down, Fall Down, In Da Name Jesus Christ My Savior 3x: 2005: 2012: 2015 
For I Ask All Dis In Da Name Of Jesus Christ, Mi Great Redeemer, Healer, Savior, Lord King of King, Da Miracle Worker of Nalani, Blessed Be You Jesus Forever, I Bow Down, And Lift You Up High! Epsilon  Amen Kp
Finale! Sobiet! Alpha Speaking!

Alpha Disciple Keola Nanlani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln
Bless: Alpha N Omega Llc. Kp Dp

Sunday, October 13, 2019 "Please Judge Me Not":For All Dat Judged Life, Will Be Judged, "Thus, saith Da Lord" "Dats Not Your Place Humans" "Stay In Your Place"-Rememeber To Pull Da Plank Out Of Your Eye B4{DO NOT} Your Analayze Your Neighbors Shortcomings"


 13 Oct 2019 Sunday
 14:24 pm

 To You Father: Abba: "Jehovah" {Alpha N Omega-God} {Jesus Christ}

Dear Father, I Know Only You Can Judge Me, Not Theze Humans On This Earth, I Don't Know Y I Let Them Hurt Me In Da Past {1988-2015}, But Father, I Did, I Let Their Hatred, Slanderous, Bigotries, Lies, False Accusations Statements In #America {United States of No America} Mid-West Bible States- #Oklahoma {Hell} Hurt Me Emotionally, And Cause Me Ptsd In My Childhood/ Adolecolent / Pre Adulthood- 25-36, Father, I Couldn't Help But Develop This Condition, When I Had To Live In This Hell Hole, I Had No Choice, When I Was Fed All These Lies From Their Inhabitants, And  Their Society, It Was Way Too Hard To Grow As And Individual And Mature As An And Adult. I Understand, I Developed Major Depression, It Wasnt Mi Fault:  It Wasn't In Mi Genetics, Its Was The Environmental Factors, I Was Living In A "Fuked Up Place", Father, Exucse My Language, But Father, You Have To Understand, I Endured A lot Of Trauma From That Place, I Understand Now, Y You Had Me Go Thru That Hell, You Wanted Me To Undertand, How Real, And Da God Of Jacob, Moses, Abraha ham, & Elijah, Would Play A Significant Role In Mi Life, Lord Never Doubted You, Just Was Young And Mi Faith, Was Somewhat Weak, But No Mas, I Undertand Now, Now As Man You Said, I Can Move Mountians, With Mi Faith, So Throw All That Phycial Hell Into Da Sea! {Ok}{MDD}{Anxiety/Disorder}{Ptsd}, For I Believe In You "Yahweh" "God" "Jehovah" Mi Living God, For Forever You Reign Above All, And You Worked All Miraciles In My Life, Thus Far, So Glory To Be Your Name, Father:

So I Ask, In Your Name, "Jehovah": "Alpha N Omega-God": "Abba": & "Jesus Christ":That You Make All That JUDGED ME{Keola}, MOCKED ME,TURNED THEIR BACKS ON HIM,  YOUR SON WHOSE NOW A MAN AT 36{2019}, TO STAND A TRIAL AND HAVE THEM ANSWER TO YOU FATHER "ALPHA N OMEGA-GOD} "ABBA" "JEHOVAH' Da Maker Of #Life" #Keola and #Nalani "Heaven"For You Father Are Da Ultimate JUDGE,  For You Said, Father I Will Rise, In Da Name Of, Jesus Christ And I Did, And Profess Dat No Weapon Human Formed Against Me Prospered It Fell All Da Way Down To Hell, Like My Father Said, He Protected And Anointed Me & My Head With His Cup Of Oil, Since He Made Me 4:21:1983{Domain}{Gay}, For Thy Rod And Staff Comforted Me All Da Way Thru These Hells: Norfolk Virginia{1988-1992} To 2nd Hell Oklahoma{1992-2012} and Last Finale:3rd Hell  Missouri{2013-2019}:   I Trusted & Obeyed, And My Faith, Brought Me Through, So To My Father Be "All" Da Glory Goes To Him

No Human Authority On This Planet,
Can Even Try, They Can "All BOW DOWN" IN DA NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, OVER MI DEATHS 2005, 2012, & 2015.

Father, Could Make All The Mid-West States Bible Belt{America} Bow Down As Well, They Need To Change In Da Name Of Jesus Christ, They Are Stuck In Da Past{1920.}, And Wont Change, So Father, ChangeThem And Make Them Repent And Save Them From Your Wrath, Because Father, I Know You Are Upset And Angry With Them, As Well As I AM, But Father Send Them Running To DA CROSS, AND SAVE THEIR SOULS 

 I Love Them, Even Though They Judged Me,   Even Tho They TalkedAbout Me, For This Cross You Gave Me To BEAR: You Made Me An Alpha Tauras Jock Gay Christian Man{Strong}:  And Yes I Will BEAR It Like Jesus BEARDED Da Cross For Mi Fifthly SINS To SAVE Me{Keola} AND Cleansed ME From Unrighteousness, IN Da Name Of "Yahweh" and "Alpha N Omega-God" & Jesus Christ, Mi Savior And Redeemer, Lord, Master, Best  Friend, And Leader 421 and Eternity! Make Me Beautiful, Or Better Yet {Handsome} All Over Again, And Undue All Da Trauma From This World, In Your Eye Only Father, Only Yours Father, I Only Want To Please You For Da Rest Of Mi Natural Human Life, Y You Raised Me From Death, And I Will  Never Forget It, So I Take Your Hand, Father And Stand With You Jesus Christ As Your Redeemed Son, And Healed Gay Jock Son Made  In Your In Your Gay/Image, Proud To Be Yours Father, And Proud To Alive In Your Name I Claim All Dis, Manifest Father All Thorough Out Nalani, Bring All Mi Top Dominant Gay Fraternity  Jockz Fraternity "Alpha N Omega " Christian Ok 2002/2005 Brotherhood /Sisterhood: For I Love Each & Everyone Them, For They Crucial For My "Recovery" Mental Health 2019, In Da Name Of Jesus Christ- Bless You All, May My Father Rains Dow Blessing Upon All Of You All, And I Think I Know "Who You Are? ": Nod In Respect -Now Bout To Cry, This Has Been So Damn Hard, Da Road Has Been Hard, Never Thought "Life-Keola" Would Be Like This, Actually I Never Thought I Would Never Be Alive, So This Is "Bonus' Years For Me, So I Take As Blessed I Be, So Bless You All On Da Real!  

Amen Kp

Alpha Disciple Keola Nalani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln  

Father Judge All All Us, According To Da Lives We Lived, For You Said, It Will Come To Pass, So Father, So Father Manifest And Let Thy Will Be Done, Turn Those Pgs In Revelations! Father I Repented From All My Sins, And Righteous Life I Live, So Father! Judge Me! Im Ready! As Follows!

Father, I Would To Be "Kinged" Now And "Forever", In Da Name Jesus Christ My Savior Over Death You Arose Me To Stand  3x In Your Name Alpha 421 Speaking Keola #Life Over 2005, Over 2012 Da Victory Is Yours Father, Jehovah, Keep Rising Over 2015 {Alpha N Omega-God} - YAHWEH! DA BEGINNING AND ENDING OF #LIFE{KEOLA}, I BOW! AMEN KP!


Age: 1996-Think Keola, Shit Siezure, Damnit I Was In Middle School Lol 13 yrs Old, Lol! Damn I Wuz young, And I Sent Dis Pic To Mi Mother, Who I Missed So Damn Much, Growing Up Without Here In Mi Life Was Not Easy{And Never Was Going Be Da Same Without Her}, Nor Ever Doubt Her Love For Me, Now-2019; Because I Know I She Loves Me As Me{Unconditinonally}{Gay} So My Father{God}-Jehovah: Abba: {Alpha N Omega-God} Blesses Her, In All She Does! Watch! For She Was The Only One And Mi Polynesian{Hawaiian} Side, Was There For Me When I Was Homeless In 2015, So To God Be All The Glory In, And I Bow Down And Lift Her Up In Your Name Father, Keep Her And Da Marian-Kanoa/Volnas/Lincoln 421 Life & Eterntiy! For Yours Is Da Kingdom, Forever & Ever!!
Age: 22: 2005{History Changed} In Da Name Of Jesus Christ Over Mi Death in 2005, 2012, 2015
Became Dr. Daniel John Ford "Stud-Puppy" Forever  & Eternity
His Soul Mate
Alpha Fraternal Orderded Bi "Father-God" Brother